Community Partners
Volunteer service to assist elders in living independently. Services include:
- Transportation to medical appointments
- Care coordination
- Chore service
- Light housekeeping
- Assistance with grocery shopping and delivery
- Friendly conversations and visits
- Education and community events throughout the year
- Evidenced-based programming, such as A Matter of Balance, Living Well with Chronic Conditions, Living Well with Diabetes
- Meals on Wheels-Delivered Monday through Friday from 11am and 1pm. Please call for guidelines and to register.
- Groceries to Go-There are three ways to access food: A volunteer will drive the participant to the grocery store to assist in shopping and then assist in bringing groceries to the door; a volunteer will drive the participant to the Two Harbors Area Food Shelf to access food and assist in bringing groceries to the door; a participant can call Community Partners on Mondays and Tuesdays to place their order, then a volunteer will do the grocery shopping and deliver groceries to the door on Wednesday. If you live in congregate care, groceries are left in the communal kitchen at the facility. Call or stop by Community Partners to register.
Community Partners also offers social programming, such as game day at the Two Harbors Public Library, coffee and conversations, bingo, and victory chorus, which meets in the summer months. Please visit their website or Facebook page for more information.
Community Partners also offers caregiver counseling, support groups, and respite care.
- Caregiver Support Group-Meets 2nd Wednesday of every month from 1pm-2:30pm. Please call the office for current meeting location.
- (218) 834-8024
- Community Partners
Community Center Building
417 South Ave
Two Harbors, MN 55616